Monday 15 January 2018

Monday 15th January 2017 - remaining positive

Posted 2:30pm
What a start to the year - we are now two weeks in and it has been very difficult.

I am not scared to admit it was hot with a massive amount of self-doubt. After the incredible progress of last year, we suddenly seemed to have run into a brick wall. Funding is obviously the biggest issue - and it has to be the the most incredible frustration - as we know we have something that is good (people tell us). But being new can make people nervous.

This caused a huge "what's the point" outlook in me - which I could not understand - which of course then caused issues.

Thankfully, I have managed to overcome that. It is a big lesson in what we are trying to achieve ourselves, Firstly, it is not easy to talk about, When people ask how you are feeling the obvious reply is "fine" or "I'm okay" - even when you really want to say "help me, I don;t know how to deal with it".  We guide people towards a growth mindset, and I have had to use all our own actions to help me too.  It also shows that it can hit anyone at anytime.

Today I have been working on emails, and will continue to do that. We must get some meetings going and develop a funding strategy.

But thankfully I have moved away from the "easy" self-pity thinking, back to the "harder" let's relax and see what we can do, and how to achieve it.

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