Friday 2 August 2019

Friday 2nd August 2019 - congrats to our Lazza

Image result for losing weight clipart

Posted 10:10am

It's a morning entry - probably do another one later - but we wanted to add our support for our Lazza as he is determined to reach his target weight this year - which involves losing a certain amount of fat over the next few months.

July was a good month. According to the apps on his mobile - he managed over 370,000 steps, walked for over 280 km outdoors, and lost 3.2kg in weight, which is just over 7 lbs - or half a stone.

He says: "there have been many false dawns over the last few years. In 2015, I managed to reach my target, but then allowed situations and events to overwhelm me again, and have yoyoed ever since. But this time I am getting a lot of support, and I feel in a great place mentally, despite all the stress and work to get HMHB seed funding."

I am sure anyone that reads this will echo our congratulations, but also cheer Lazza on as he needs to do this for most of this year. I know it is a cliche, but it is a journey. It is a matter of focus, maintaining good actions, and keeping that self-belief.  We will return to this at the end of August and report back on his further progress.  Yay!!!

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