Monday 23 April 2018

Monday 23rd April 2018 - dealing with matters

Posted 2:22pm
Yes, I know it has been just under a fortnight since the last blog entry. And maybe, this is the time we need to be stepping up and improving productivity around our Social Media.

So why have things stalled?  Probably down to my own actions - I have still be attending events and dealing with matters, but it has felt like a bit of a grind. I did a small video for our Facebook page where I mentioned that the CCG funding not coming through was massive disappointment for us.

But we all need to get back up and forge onwards. I am seriously confident we can get salary funding for our project - it just needs to be sooner than later.#

We have several irons in the fire, and various paperwork being prepared, and I am trying to find companies/partners with whom we may get some sponsorship. I have people dependent on me to achieve our goals soon though - thinking of Luke and Dean. So a lot of pressure on me - maybe I have not handled it well lately.

A lot has been happening - and I will be adding a couple of extra entries later today with that in mind. I need to again follow our own program advice!!!

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