Monday 2 September 2019

Monday 2nd September 2019 - New month, new focus, new hopes

Posted 11:30am

August really was a tough month. For many reasons. But September has arrived and there is no time to sit back and be a victim of circumstances - we need to push on and make our own future.

Getting turned down by the lottery was a blow,  but not the end. But if we do not manage to find some bigger funding soon there will be no HMHB. And that would be terrible considering all the effort and time we have put in.

Anyway, let's focus on how we can continue.

Funding applications are being done - and I will add that to a different blog entry later this week to update on all of them.

I will try and arrange as many meetings as possible to see exactly where we stand with partners. I will also push for program opportunities too - with the run up to 2020 we have decided to deliver as many one day or half day interventions. We can show our multi-session programs work, so now let us demonstrate we can make a difference in thought process in just one day.

This month is crucial - especially with the DWP - I am very nervous about being told I need to give up on HMHB and get a paid salaried job - which would stop me working on HMHB. I love what I am doing very much. I am hopeful that can be avoided.
If so, I have four months to show we are worth the money and investment.

I was very lax on social media in August - maybe that was also down to personal mental health issues around funding - the stress is astonishing.  I also fell back on my own weight loss goals - in fact my weight increased. So I have bought a food/exercise diary (the cover is the main picture) and will complete that.

I also did mental health first aid training through Mind in Haringey, which was educational, intense, and worthwhile. I am convinced I have Binge Eating Disorder - which I realise is a self diagnosis - but i ticked every box on this. I think this helps me as I move forward.

All we want is the chance to work with service users and make a difference.  Here is hoping!!!

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