Monday 17 December 2018

Monday 17th December 2018 - Why is maintaining so difficult?? Motivation?

Image result for struggling with motivation
This is me - or how i feel. But why?

Posted 2:00pm

I read a very interesting online statement, written by a fantastic guy in the US who we follow. A lot of it is based around fitness, but in reality it can also be a take on life in general.  It was about why we keep failing on our targets; why it is so hard to keep going.

It's a fascinating, and thought provoking, question - and one I have been struggling with myself of late. Ironically, I was talking to one of my friends about it just before I saw the online status. Maybe it is fate!!!!

We all know what is healthy. Better nutrition, more exercise, a confident routine, a growth mind-set. But we can struggle with these. And why is that?

HMHB believes the biggest hurdle is ourselves. Our confidence. Our belief that we can succeed. We appear to trust that everything will go wrong anyway. We will fail. So why put the effort in?

And maybe here is why. Because we live in a world where we are all in a rush. We expect instant communication and results. We are no longer used to being patient, waiting for things to improve gradually, and allow ourselves the comfort of things not always going to plan.

So how do we get around this?

The best way is to set small goals. Be realistic and achievable. A small win can lift confidence. By following that with another and another, and not allowing the odd failure to overwhelm us, we can build and build until winning is the routine.

With our HMHB project, certainly over the last few months, we have hit many obstacles. Naturally, funding is the biggest, but also the opportunity to work with service users, and demonstrate our strengths, is included. This can lead to frustration, disappointment and weariness. I know I can work harder, and we can accomplish some terrific outcomes and succeed, but we also need to know that we can realistically be given that chance. Knowing people trust us is vital.
The same goes with my personal life. I am wanting to lose weight - probably 45lbs. I can do it - I have in the past. But I struggle because part of me thinks I will just fail again and put it on. Silly I know. I look at myself in photos and hate it. So why don't I make the necessary and obvious changes? Only I can do it.

So what is the overall answer for this subject and for us. Using HMHB and myself as an example;

One - Give 100% effort. Push hard. Do all that is possible. If things do not work, then at least we can know we gave everything for it to happen.
Two - Set weekly targets - realistic, but also ones that mean we have to focus and put the time in.
Three - Be accountable to others - so everyone knows what we are doing
Four - Believe - probably the most important - as with that comes energy, determination and fight. We know where we want to be. So let's push.

That is great advice for all - regardless of the target or goal. Push hard. It wont happen if you don't put the time and effort in.

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