Saturday 1 February 2020

Saturday 1st February 2020 - So Proud. This is why we need seed funding

Image result for proud of us

Posted 7:40pm

This is why we have worked so hard for such a long time. Our first course with the DWP - using the Camden Job Centres - went so well. I am so proud of us - and that is all three of us, as we have done so much work for several years, building up to this.

Yes, we have done quite a few courses up to this point, but we always intended it to be with the unemployed, building confidence, building self awareness about health and our bodies, creating guidance around nutrition that was simple but interesting, and developing a unique delivery that just gets better and better.

I was honestly concerned about numbers. Luke and I had attended the job centre twice to drum up interest, and although we took around 12 emails, only one came back to us, and that was a negative.

It was therefore comforting to have eight on this course, and everyone interacted and laughed, but also said they enjoyed it. They all said they would be returning - let's hope - as well as come along to our group fitness sessions. Again, let us wait and see.

Luke and Lazza were immense. We prepared very well, and even had to change and adapt during the course as the interaction was so good. Everyone participated, and the feedback was incredible - as it always has been.

This is why we deserve the funding for at least a year of two salaries full time and money for our personal trainer. Years of fantastic set up, and this was the culmination - and we have a new fresh approach to mental health - both preventive and corrective - but it appears so so so difficult to persuade the people who hold the purse strings to give us a chance.  Instead, a multitude of organisations provide similar style intervention (which I am not saying is bad), but they all seem to copy each other. Someone give us a chance. PLEASE!!!

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