Monday 16 November 2020

Monday 16th November 2020 - Pack 31 published. Plus update on all about HMHB and website

Posted 2:10pm

Really pleased to announce that number 31 of our weekly health packs was published last night, and we are sending out copies today and tomorrow, after emailing over 150 addresses last night.  We now reach over 1000 people, as we know various organisations promote us in several London boroughs and beyond. This is humbling and exciting all in one.

Pack 31 - it is 26 pages crammed full of information, research and news.

For Mindset:  We take a walk through "self-doubt", how it can be both good and bad, as well as how to deal with it if it becomes overwhelming.
For Nutrition:  Following last week when we looked back at Protein, we are now going back to update on "Carbohydrates" - one of the "Building Blocks of Life".  It is an interesting journey.
For Exercise:  We invite you to try out your own "Circuit Training" - looking at including legs, arms, core, and cardio exercises into your routine.
For Health:  HMHB ventures into "headaches and migraines" this week, talking of possible causes, and what we can do try and prevent them from happening.
Lazza cooks his first ever homemade burgers for the recipe page, he sets his usual fiendish quiz which is deliberately set to make you sit down and think, and there is an animal picture game page to get your brain cells working.  Plus much more.

We have been busy updating parts of the website, and that will continue over the next couple of weeks. We ensure all the health packs are available to download, and list the contents too, so people can choose which ones they want to read. Do check them out. All of Lazza's recipes are on there too, and we promise that every one of them is his first effort at making the dishes, listing and picturing the ingredients as well as a photo of the end product.  I can honestly say that although some may not look as pretty as they could be, every single one has tasted fabulous, so far!!!
All of them can be found on our website:

Now, a quick update on what HMHB has been doing.

Lazza has been completing a Kilimanjaro climb challenge organised by our friends in the United States, Walk With A Doc.  Sadly, not trip to Tanzania, but a virtual challenge, and he has been walking around Highbury Fields in the mornings since November 2nd.  Going well so far, and he has been joined on and off by some of our users to encourage him along. We have to be careful because of the Covid 19 restrictions and guidelines, and distancing is also adhered to.

We won a small grant from Camden Giving recently to work with Kentish Town Job Centre with their users from a "Pathways To Employment" Fund - Andrea, one of their disability officers, had asked us to provide some fitness/exercise intervention with our PT Dean.  Due to this lockdown we are aiming to start that in January in conjunction with Pancras Leisure Gym.  More news to follow.

We have a very interesting zoom meeting on Tuesday week with a very exciting organisation who "like" our "vision" and what we are trying to do. It has the potential to open a few doors for us, and I think we deserve our opportunity now after creating so much great feedback to our various interventions.

Finally, we just want to say good health to all our users and friends, as we know some are struggling a bit during the lockdown with cancelled hospital appointments and treatments.  This is a difficult time for many, but more so for people who have other ailments.  Please stay active though, and try and get outdoors if you can, obviously following guidelines.
Hugs to all.

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