Tuesday 12 December 2017

Tuesday 12th December 2017 - LIF, Funding applications, future

Posted 4:15pm
It's a bitterly cold late afternoon, and I am sitting in the heart of London updating this entry.

I almost feel like we have met the biggest barrier so far. After over three years of concentrated work on foundations, paperwork, development and creativity, it all now boils down to someone having some faith in us, believing in what we can achieve, and giving us the funds to prove ourselves.  Will it happen??

Well, we have now invoiced the Local Initiatives Fund for the £883.90 awarded to us for the local Izzwalkz - which is great. We should get the money around xmas. This is great timing. We aim to be getting flyers, posters, some marketing materials, etc. from Vistaprint - and there should be a good sale on then, with discount. I am going to run the flyers and posters past the medical centre for approval first. I really hope we can pick up some new walkers.  The last three weeks we have gained two. I believe it can grow.

We also want to expand the walks throughout Islington, as people who read this blog know. For that we would need bigger funding - from Sponsorship or grant. It does not need a huge amount. I believe we could easily be managing daily walks - five a week - for around £1000 a month - you would need to pay a part time salary to someone to organise it - as well as provide insurance, equipment, volunteer costs, marketing etc.  But for the short and long term physical and mental health benefits I think that is money very well spent.  In fact I have just come up with an idea for that.

We have printed off various applications for funding opportunities we will be completing, but none of these would be immediate - which is where we really hope the CCG is going to help us.

The future has so much potential - but we now reliant on others to see it with us. Fingers crossed.

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