Monday 4 December 2017

Monday 4th December 2017 - a lot to catch up on

Posted 2:15pm
It's been a couple of weeks since the last entry.  This is down to a mix of illness, and needing to deal with both project and life issues.

Our program focuses a huge amount on mindset, and people have to realise that this can affect everyone - including us. Staying positive in the face of injustice and adversity can be difficult, but the only way to deal with it is to struggle on and fight!!

This is exactly what we have been doing.
We managed to meet up with two of our service users to get some excellent feedback - written and video. We hope this will nudge funders to give us an opportunity - money is the big big thing now. Without it we just cannot continue. And we know we have something good and different.

I have been looking into various grant funding streams - and several applications will be going out before the end of December - well, around 8-10 to be exact.  But it's the immediate need that is vital. Still hoping we can get from the CCG or find a company to sponsor for 4-5 months - one full time salary, two part time, plus some running costs.  Please keep your fingers crossed for us.

We did get a small grant of £860 (well we will get the money in a couple of weeks) for our Izzwalkz Clissold Park healthy walk. This is very detailed though - and will be spent on first aid training, first aid kit, various marketing, some exercise equipment, etc.  It is a positive though. It came from the local councillor and we have to provide receipts for everything - which is no problem.

So apologies for the lack of entries.

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