Friday 6 March 2020

Friday 6th March 2020 - Devising new games is great fun

Image result for new games clipart

Posted 3:20pm

Part of building a course around mind-set, health, exercise, nutrition and routine, is constantly looking to keep it fresh. And that means coming up with new ideas of how to get our message across. That can be a lot of fun.

With our "mind-set" section, we currently use quizzes, interactive games, and intervention that is meant to make you think. With that in mind, I wanted to come up with a new way of seeing how we deal with situations, and using our knowledge and thought process to come up with the best solution possible.

I then had a brain wave. How about getting the group to solve a crime? That quickly developed into creating a murder mystery, where they get the synopsis, all the clues, with red herrings,, and see if they can come up with the name of the killer.

I am delighted to announce that I have done that - I do admit I have used a novel as a base, by a terrific crime writer, but it is one of their lesser known works. I like it because the clues are all given to you, but in a way where you maybe do not realise what they are. There is misdirection taking you onto a wild goose chase. It will be interesting to see how that pans out.

We are also looking at different parts of Nutrition now as well.  We currently cover a simple guide to Protein, Carbohydrates, Sugars, Fats, Vitamins and Minerals, linking it all to metabolism, your body, and chemical reactions.
We have decided to broaden out a bit more to cover Antioxidants, Free Radicals, Nutrients that are not vitamins, and Fibre. There are plenty more things to do as well. It is a fascinating subject.

Finally, we are also looking to shake up a bit on exercise. We cover a lot of different ways we do movement, including boxability, high intensity (with various fun games), balance, and circuits, but want to try out something even newer. We introduced fitness to a major organisation's clients, and they now have won awards because they took it on themselves (sadly no recognition for us though).

We want to keep developing, adapting and creating. The feedback is terrific, and part of that is down to the large range of activities we provide. It is important that we continue to develop.

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