Monday 9 March 2020

Monday 9th March 2020 - How do we solve a problem like "numbers"?

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Posted 2:00pm

With any project, we come across problems on a daily basis. Situations that need a bit of creative thinking to overcome.  Creating solutions can be tricky, but it needs a calm head. HMHB have come across one such problem today, but some quick thinking of on the part of Lazza just may have saved the day - and in fact turned a disappointing moment into an opportunity.

We had the second of our five days at Regents Park today. As part of our Camden Giving Funding we had to work with clients from that area - especially looking to provide intervention around anxiety and stress, as that area has been affected bv the recent HS2 controversy.

Last week, although we had advertised it very well, we were reliant on outside organisations, including the job centre, to provide us with numbers. Sadly, we were let down badly. We still did a half morning, which went down well, but we needed numbers to increase.

We worked very hard last week, contacting, communicating, and promoting again - and I know that at least 6-8 people were advised to attend, and were going to come. So this morning, Lazza and his team set up in preparation. Nobody came.  So what were we to do? We needed to provide evidence to the funders, as well as justify the amount we have been given. (ironically unlike the HS2 who can fabricate figures and end up £50 billion over budget!!).

Lazza came up with a great idea, but we were reliant on the Job Centre going along with the plans. We could still work with Regents Park clients, but run the course at Kentish Town Job Centre itself. The users know the venue, go there anyway, and there is space in the basement.

We contacted the Disability Officers straight away. Thankfully, we will be able to do that - so from next Monday afternoon we will run a three session programme starting on the 16th. They say they can almost guarantee numbers, and would actively promote this. Naturally, let us wait and see, but I think it is the only option. And it could prove a terrific opportunity, as the disability officer can sit in on the programme and actually see us at work.

Life is about overcoming challenges - which is the basis around HMHB and Ajani. Let us see how this turns out.

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