Friday 24 March 2017

Friday 24th March 2017 - tonnes of emails - large to do list

Posted 4:15pm
After the fun and games of yesterday, today involved a lot of emails and texts and contacts.
I have been updating our Access database, and following up on various emails.

We have identified a lot of various funding streams over the last few weeks, and this weekend I will be blitzing as many as I can.  We will finish the two we are applying for at the moment, and looking at the applications for the others, checking eligibility etc.  Many ask for evidence, hence the pilots, which are pivotal to our future.  This is one reason we are obviously anxious to complete them, but also know it is imperative we do them right and with proper quality.

I wish we could be paying salaries and expenses, for everyone, not just myself.  Especially as I am currently out of work, and everything we have to pay for is coming out of my money.  With that in mind, I am excited that the article in the local paper - that I thought was going in a couple of weeks ago - has finally gone in - and we are asking people for sponsorship and/or donations that can help us - especially from local companies.  Even if just one gets in contact that will be fantastic - but if we can get two or three that can really take us on through the pilots.  I recently had to pay out for some stationery, a SD Memory card for the video camera for feedback and filming, and insurance - as well as various payments for website/emails/domains.  Some can be small, but it all adds up!!!  And when you have no income it is a definite strain.

We have started on - and will continue adding to - a "to-do list" which is quite extensive.  The run up to the pilots was very involved, especially as I was preparing the content for the delivery, and planning events and visits.  There is a massive list of stuff to do.

We did have a dummy contract/agreement form sent through around three/four months ago by one of my board for a company dealing with another whilst delivering a project under funding.  I know it had been adjusted for different projects, but used several times in the past, and we have adjusted it ourselves for both of the DAI and SHP pilots.  It fills all the needs of the pilots anyway, as there is no funding issues involved.

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