Wednesday 15 March 2017

Wednesday 15th March 2017 - lots to think about

Image result for age uk

Posted 6:10pm
Been a busy couple of days - a huge amount of emailing, texting and various contacting.  Trying to tie down the courses properly, as well as deal with several outside issues.  I have said it on many occasions, but starting a business can be hazardous to your health.  The stresses and strains involved can be horrendous.

The DAI course should start next week, but I am just ensuring we have a good number of participants.  As we are proving outcomes there is no point in saying we had three people on the course and they all improved.  But if we can say we had 7-10 people that is different.

The same goes for SHP.  Just trying to tie down a proper suitable date with a room big enough to ensure we can provide a quality program is proving to be difficult.  We may not start till May now, but we should find out this week.

Had a very interesting meeting with AGE UK.  They liked what we are doing, and asked about doing a course with them, and that might actually include some money.  We solved the insurance issue, but that money came from myself.

Joe, our journalist friend has spoken with Tanni Grey Thompson and got some quotes for a feature that I believe is going in this week.  We are pleading for some finance - either donations or sponsorship - in particular from a business - and keeping everything crossed that something will come from that.

The biggest thing from the AGE UK meeting was the contacts that we managed to get from them - and some very interesting paperwork.  I don't want to say too much at this stage, but it could prove very profitable in the long run.  There are though a couple of fascinating companies in Islington that I had not heard of that we could, and maybe should, be teaming up with.

I have also made contact with Highbury Walkers - they are a group that do a walk and light fitness on a Monday morning at 9am in Highbury Fields.  I have emailed them asking for a coffee and chat to see if we can join up with them as a partnership and have that as our second walk alongside them. Could be really good.

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