Wednesday 12 April 2017

Wednesday 12th April 2017 - full of beans

Posted 11:30am
Has it really been eight days since the last entry.  I apologise for being so remiss, but a lot has been going on.

Last week we had a fabulous meeting with the Borough Relationship Manager for Islington JCPs. We have met several times before, and they have encouraged us to provide programs and demonstrate outcomes.  We are already looking at the large application form to apply for contracts with them. Daunting I can tell you.

I approached them again last week as I want to run a few programs with the Job Centres. It is fine working with organisations like DAI, SHP, CGL, etc. but we also want to demonstrate that our Ajani project can work with people on JSA who have not had any health issues as yet.  However, because we are not under contracts it is not so straight forward.  Thankfully, with the permission of the JCP guy, we have been passed forms to complete where we can suggest to the centres we take people without asking for any funding at the moment.  We have to find a venue and a start date, but they will then actively promote us in the centres.  Another thing for my vast to-do list!!

Our 20th Clissold Park walk went well last Thursday in glorious sunshine.  Double figures yet again. It is starting to grow and the more the merrier.  I do need to encourage some of the ladies that they can chat and walk at the same time though!! LOL. Staying together is very important, and the social side is fundamental to the success.

Our replacement PTs we have approached both seem to be excited about what we are doing.  With that in mind I am meeting up with Lizi tomorrow on our CP walk to see if she wants to come on board.  Dean has virtually signed up.  He has agreed to film the bespoke videos we are producing for our Youtube channel.  I really enjoyed filming with ones with Adam, but they were always meant to be prelim to show the organisations at our December presentation last year.  I loved the banter with Adam on them - such a shame we wont be working with him again - but I think we can recreate that with Dean, and possibly Lizi too.  Let's see what occurs.

We have officially teamed up with the terrific Highbury Walkers on Mondays now.  I love their approach to the walk which takes in some group exercise too - working arms, legs and core. We are going to adjust the Izzwalkz page on the website to reflect both current walks - and I am still in conversation with a couple of other companies re Kings Cross and Finsbury Park.  I am hoping to have positive news on them in May.  All these things take time, but it is worth it in the end.

London Catalyst have confirmed receipt of the funding application we have with them.  I can understand that as we are start-up (albeit it with a solid foundation and a couple of years of excellent planning and good paperwork) and therefore that can make people nervous.  I am hoping we will get a chance to meet face to face with a representative to go over any queries.  We have forwarded on our constitution, as well as our evidence booklet.  I also asked both Highbury Grange Medical Practice, and Single Homeless Project, to contact them to say why they are working with us.  There is a lot of good work in the borough on mental health and helping people on long-term illness, but what we are doing is new and unique and very proactive, and I hope that gives us gravitas.

For the pilots I have created a weekly planner - so we can keep an eye on all the events.  The SHP one seems to have more.  I am hoping to persuade the better gym at Highbury to give us a couple of free mornings for DAI - going to chat later today.

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