Friday 11 May 2018

Friday 11th May 2018 - Major Updates on HMHB

Posted 2:10pm
A lot of news to update the blog today - and I will be pushing it on Social Media too. If you do read this, we would love you to follow us - keep up with our news and progress as we continue to look for seed funding and get ourselves launched. Our connections and supporters are fundamental to being successful.

HMHB is putting together a proposal to the local council which would involve a three year project aimed at getting the more deprived areas of the borough, and the people who live in those areas, fitter, healthier, happier, and provide significant short term and long term benefits.  I do not want to get into the nitty gritty specifics here at the moment, as it is still being developed. We are aiming to deliver a PowerPoint presentation to the Council around the end of May/start of June, inviting several other relevant organisations to attend. It would mean HMHB could actually get the seed funding it needs to pay salaries, allow us to provide a fantastic programme to the borough, and over three years help thousands of people. Yes, it is ambitious. It will cost money. It will involve a lot of negotiation. But, will save huge sums of money in the long run if managed properly.

With all that in mind, we have been building connections and support for the last few weeks. Everyone we chat to likes the sound of the project, and can see the benefits. We just need to persuade the people who hold the purse strings.  We have a terrific independent Report on us by the local NHS CCG, and two reports on our successful Ajani programmes.

Our Ajani programme is also adapting. This is a new, fresh and unique approach to be both corrective and preventive help with mental health issues, especially on this out of work, but we are also creating a day event for corporate. The course covers Mindset, Health, Fitness, Nutrition and Routine - but in a way that enhances current provision. It does not copy anyone, and we feel is the future.
As some know - we ran two last year for Single Homeless Project, which were very successful,  We have won funding from Islington Giving to run a further Ajani starting on the 30th May with Highbury Grange Medical Centre, as well as getting the go ahead from SHP for another shorter type course starting on the 12th June.  Exciting times - but we really need seed funding.  We can achieve various outcomes from these though.

We really want to expand our walking programme - in Islington it is called Izzwalkz. A fun, interactive health walk, making sure everyone is comfortable, incorporating different stretches and various different exercises, but making sure anyone can take part regardless of age or fitness levels. We have run one now for nearly a year and a half, and have prepared a couple of treats for upcoming weeks. But it is more than a walk - it is bringing people together, having a laugh, and getting people outdoors and moving. Again though, to expand will cost a little money - and although all the research and studies say we should be moving more - for example, apparently 20 minutes exercise a day reduces risk of dementia by 13% - getting funding is proving elusive.

We have two Fully Qualified Personal Trainers working with us. We have started running a FREE weekly bootcamp fitness session on Saturday mornings on Highbury Fields (I confess that I am using that to help me with some weight loss at the moment). The sessions are aimed at anyone, and are fun.

We have been concentrating on research, development, designing HMHB for over four years. We have the fundamentals in place, the people ready to deliver, the due diligence completed. We just need a chance to act. So anyone reading this, that feels they maybe can help, please get in touch.
Our social media is below - including GoFundMe.  Please help us - let people know who we are, and what we aim to achieve.  We have done everything up to now with very very little money coming in. It will be impossible to continue soon without seed funding.

Twitter - @hmhb2016

Thanks everyone.  Lawrence 

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