Saturday 18 April 2020

Saturday 18th April 2020 - More funding applications; mental health packs

New online platform promotes mental health self-care

Posted 4:30pm

It is already Saturday, and the days just seem to blend into each other at the moment. I have some classical music on in the background, and I find that helps to destress and relax me. Years ago (over 30) I did one of those weekly CD magazines called The Great Composers, with a different one every week. I am working my way through - today is Gustav Mahler.

We have now put in three different funding applications, and I am working on a fourth. One was the Charities Aid Foundation, another was with Islington Giving, and the third I did last night with Legal and General. I am currently working on a Sport England form, and have others to aim for.  To be honest, we are small and, although we will work so hard and I know help a lot of people, I imagine everyone will overlook us. If we can get even one it would be amazing. But we must remain hopeful. That's the growth mind-set mentality that HMHB promotes.

This morning I met up on Highbury Fields with one of our users, Rosie, for exercise  (I hasten to add we social distanced, followed guidelines, but also worked very hard).  We  created our own High Intensity Interval Training session, naming it the Heartbeat.  I am definitely feeling it now, around four hours later. It felt good to work with someone else - there is more motivation and encouragement, as well as the fact it lifts spirits.

Healthy Minds, Healthy Bods has decided to launch the HMHB Mental Health Pack. We will send them out by both email and post. A lot of current mental health intervention organisations are doing stuff online - but you have to click on their app, or log in to something. Many older people, as well as poverty and isolated, either do not have access to the internet, or struggle with online. If we can get something into their hands, something practical, I believe it can make a difference. We have some cracking ideas for content, and want to send the first pack out on Monday - so I have a busy day tomorrow.  I will give more details as it happens.

Funding is important for this - printing, stationery, postage, hardware and software is required. We also will be posting online too, so it is a big job. I want to make them weekly if possible, but this is down to funding.

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