Tuesday 7 April 2020

Tuesday 7th April 2020 - Funding plea on GoFundMe

GoFundMe - TCV

Posted 2:35pm

Like a lot of small projects, with big ambitions, we are reliant on the kindness of funders, especially at times like this. And that can be tough, as everyone is applying for the funds available - so we need to be lucky in our attempts.

We have not been helped by a venue we were using on Wednesday 18th March. We were working with Barnsbury Job Centre to run a course with their users. On the Tuesday we were contacted and asked if we were going ahead. At that time there was still no problem, so we said yes. Luke was actually at the Job Centre at the time, promoting our course with the Legacy users (long-term unemployed and struggling).  It was during his visit that the DWP decided to close job centres and advise people to stay at home and not come in.

That left us high and dry the next day. No-one came. It was clearly not out fault, and out of our hands.
However, the venue are still charging us!!!!  They have agreed to halve the fee, but say we have to pay. I actually contacted the Chief Executive of the venue to ask if they could waiver it, as we are a small project and it was not in our control. But even he has come back and said we did not give notice so therefore we pay.  Truly astonishing!!!  I guess I understand in some small way, but surely common sense should prevail?

So it has pushed me to put our GoFundMe page back on Twitter. We get virtually nothing though. It is so frustrating. People go on the site asking for people to fund their holidays, and they get hundreds. We put on there to nothing!!!  Maybe this time, who knows?

If you are reading this, and would like to share our page, we would be very grateful.


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