Friday 8 September 2017

Friday 8th September 2017 - Handouts, plus accounts

Posted 2:05pm
Just about to head off to the gym to do some gentle cardio - this bubble in my eye jumps up and down if i exercise heavily and is very annoying!!

I have been very busy preparing various handouts for our next program - and we will be keeping these, and probably adjusting them, for future courses too. I still have many to ocmplete.

We will be giving out four handouts each session - one on mindset, one on fitness, one on health, and one on nutrition - all relevant to what we were discussing on the day.  It is great fun preparing them, to be honest.  We want to make them bespoke to us - but naturally I am trawling the internet for relevant pictures and wording - which we can then adapt more to the language that we want to put over. When I used to get computer software I loved the "Idiots Guide" books you could get, as they spoke plain clear English. So we are looking to provide evidence like that.

I am also reviewing accounts software. I did mention it a week or so ago, but it is important that we start when we mean to continue, and I will be buying Sage software - which you can get for a monthly fee - but that depends very much on funding.  Thankfully we are meeting Arsenal on Monday, and a years worth of accounts software will be part of that package we are requesting. We also want to buy some more fitness equipment to go along with what we have. If we have five walks and bi-weekly pt sessions, we need to ensure we can build up a good base.

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