Monday 11 September 2017

Monday 11th September 2017 - funding; video intros

Image result for Youtube video intros

Posted 1:45pm
I am sitting have a coffee off the Holloway Road at the moment, all ready for a meeting with Arsenal Football Club to talk about our funding application for their Gunners Fund - which helps local community projects around the area.
We put the application in around five/six months ago, and since then some of our funding necessities have changed, and a couple of things on the application are no longer needed.  We are hoping to still get the £2000 we applied for, but have sent a new list of items - some of them are the same - that we have prioritised.
This includes a new laptop (there are two of us delivering and preparing for the project but only one laptop between us) with updated Microsoft Office software. Also anti-virus software. All of the costings are from the internet.
Plus we want to get accounting software now we are trading, in order to comply properly with Companies House and the HMRC. I like Sage, and we have contacted them to get the costings for this.
On top of that we have put in for travel, insurance for Personal Trainer, stationery, and first aid.
Scott was invited by Arsenal to attend too - so I am very hopeful that we could get the £2000. However, they might not like the fact we have adjusted the items. We will wait and see, but I am excited to attend - we will put another blog posting to update.

We sent off an application yesterday to the Local Initiatives Fund - which is managed by local councillors for projects within their wards. We have already chatted with Osh Gantly and Caroline Russell about this - in fact both of them mentioned this fund.  We asked for around £880 to really push the Izzwalkz CP, and I am hopeful that we will get something - if not all of that.  It would be great to be able to really publicize it and build up numbers - as well as get some fitness equipment and volunteer clothing and items.

We are starting three more funding applications this week - Cripplegate, Trust For London and Awards For All. Plus investigating other opportunities.

Finally, we really need to get our fitness videos onto our Youtube channel. But we need to have "intros" and "outros" on them - and none of us have the slightest clue how to do.  So i went online and found a website where professionals advertise themselves, showing their costs too.  I have left and advert, but contacted a freelancer who does animations and videos. So hoping something comes back for that.  We have put that cost (£75) into the Gunners Fund application.

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