Monday 18 September 2017

Monday 18th September 2017 - progress; board; professional help

Posted 4:30pm
Definitely back to the daily grind today following a nice day off for domestics. And we are gradually making progress.

We have got a definitive date and time for our Islington CCG meeting - the 6 November - it's a massive meeting for us. I have asked Scott, Luke and Dean to attend - as well as Fateha from HGMP and Joe from SHP (we would have just about finished our second program by then). Fantastically, Rosemary on our board will actually be in Islington on that day for meetings to do with her company, of which she is CEO, and we are hoping there will be time for her to also attend.

We have had to postpone our meeting with Hackney Council to next Monday morning, due to they being busy, but that is fine. It is just an opportunity to discuss our program with them, and see if we can start negotiating some kind of dialogue in getting us involved in their own employment support.

Funnily, I know the contact we will be meeting,  They were part of the management team of the Ready For Work program run by Business In The Community when I went through it three years ago. Ironically, I have just organised a meeting with BITC for next Monday afternoon. I would like to see if they could promote our program with their business contacts to see if anyone would contribute to our GoFundMe, or even sponsor us for a small time.  In return, I was hoping they might give us a chance to help them with the RFW program.  No harm in talking.

I met earlier with Luke from the Big Alliance, and after yattering on for ages (the poor man) we discussed ways that they could help us. The BA create terrific links between organisations and working professionals.  We said we would like to see if we could get an Islington business leader on our Board - someone who has not been associated with either myself or the creation of HMHB - that way someone who can maybe see things from a different business point of view.
We also asked about getting some help towards advice on HMRC issues and social media marketing. They do have people who give their time pro bono to help local projects. Luke said he would put our request about and see what comes up. (I have to complete some forms, but they are a charity and thankfully there is no fee).

Finally, we will be getting out finished Youtube video intro and outro later today - which is very exciting. It's things like that which will hopefully allow us to stand out from the crowd.

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