Friday 4 January 2019

Friday 4th January 2019 - why HMHB says obesity is not a disease

Image result for obesity

Posted 2:15pm

These are the thoughts of HMHB on the topic of Obesity, which has come to the forefront of conversation in the media today as some want to label it a disease.

Anyone who has followed this blog, or other social media streams, will know that Lazza (me) has seen his weight fluctuate and yoyo for several years. So, I am coming ton this from a personal point of view. I am not labelled obese at the moment, but am definitely "overweight", but the reasons for this are varied.

We agree that there are some health issues that can contribute to weight gain. But overeating, with little exercise, which is the main cause of obesity, is a lifestyle choice. And we use the word "choice" correctly. Unless you are being force fed, and are tied into the place where you live, then it is your responsibility to what you eat and drink, and if you get outdoors and exercise.

Mental health issues, and physical health issues can be affected by disease, but "obesity" is a by product of your behaviour of how you react to these situations. Some people comfort themselves with drugs or drink, Others with food. I recognise this in myself sometimes.  But this is behavioiour that can easily be changed. We need to look at why people overeat, and treat that.

A lot comes down to self-confidence and esteem. Also, the "self-pity" and "blame"situations. A lot of "it's not fair" and "why me" is brought up. But it is not a disease. You cannot take pills to cure obesity. The medicine is your own choice to change your nutrition and exercise habits.

It's an easy thing to say "obesity is a disease". It removes the responsibility of the individual, and allows them to blame their conduct on an illness. No. Obesity is just a by product of whatever illness - be that physical, mental or emotional - that is making you behave with poor choices.

HMHB would argue with anyone who hides behind drugs, drink, food, risky behaviour, as a way to deal with the problems of life. I do not mean in a conflict way. We want to guide people to see life as a challenge, that situations can be solved in a different way, that is not detrimental to your health and well-being.

We realise others may have other views, and respect that. However, HMHB sees obesity as a result of poor choices and destructive behaviour. And I type that as someone who has used food to help numb situations in the past. Thanks

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