Thursday 10 August 2017

Thursday 10th August 2017 - Commissioned - building foundation - emails

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Posted 2:05pm
It really is a case of digging in and preparing at the moment.
We had a small staff meeting yesterday where we spent a lot of time going over the next commissioned program we have with SHP - yes, delighted to say that we are actually going to get paid for a program - our first time.

It feels like an incredible accomplishment. A concept and idea I came up with quite a few years ago, has developed into a viable program that is exciting and unique, and now someone actually feels it is good enough to pay us to produce it.  I am very proud.  But it is is just a foot in the door. The next program needs to have grown from the pilot - and we will pull our all the stops.  Sitting together with my colleagues, it was exciting seeing it come together.

The only slight downside for us is that instead of nine weeks they have commissioned one of five weeks.  Naturally, we will produce a good product and deliver it to our best capabilities. But one of the reasons we liked nine weeks was because we are changing mind-set and routine, and the body needs time to adjust properly. Also, we build up a terrific interaction, connection and trust over that time - which was commented on favourably by our service users.  It is the only thing that makes me slightly nervous - but with a positive growth mindset I should see it as a challenge. If I learn from my own advice on our program.

I have also been emailing out to other prospective partners and funders.  In fact I am going to review a list of funders over the next couple of weeks and try and get at least another five to ten applications out by the start of September.  The biggest will be the Big Lottery Fund, but there are a lot of smaller charities we can approach,  We are also going to try and get our GoFundMe page noticed.

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