Monday 1 April 2019

Monday 1st Aprilo 2019 - more funding woes!!!

Image result for low money

Posted 4:30pm

It seems to be almost a broken record on here, but funding is probably our biggest single issue at the moment. Without it very very soon we will be unable to run as we have things we need to cover on overheads.

Sadly, two of our "live" applications have come back in the negative.
Firstly, we applied to work with Peabody - we literally were given around three days' notice to complete the application, with relevant paperwork, so I am not surprised to be honest. It would though have enabled us to establish a great connection with the Housing people, as well as provide income to run HMHB for a year, without salary payments.

Then we put in for a small amount with the Gunners Fund, managed by Arsenal in the Community, our local team. It was for just over £2000 to run two fitness sessions, plus two walks, for a year, plys overheads. Again, the reply was in the negative. They must get inundated with requests, but I admit we were hopeful.

Naturally, we are disappointed. I am sure all the people who did win the awards were justified and terrific projects, and if more people are getting help through them then that is fantastic. I just hope someone is going to see what we are doing and help us.

We have contacted the Council again. They do run Islington Walks, which provides walks for a fee in the borough. Again, we salute any initiative that is getting people out and about, but anyone low income or on Universal Credit is not going to pay £15 to attend a walk. But the Council did provide a budget for the set up for this project.
Therefore, we have now gone back asking for £320, so that we can get two roller banners, some flyers and some posters for our Izzwalkz from May -0 as we will then have two weekly health walks in Islington available to anyone - making HMHB the most prolific provider too!!!  But we need the materials for marketing. I ccd in our three local councillors, plus Jeremy Corbyn. I have to say, even though the amount is small, I am not hopeful. But you never know!!!

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