Tuesday 13 October 2020

Tuesday 13th October 2020 - Issue 27 completed - photos and cooking

 Posted 12:30pm

I can tick the box on the next Health Pack - completed this morning.  This is issue 27, and is 24 pages. The extra two from the normal is because we have an extra page on Mindset and Health this week.

The Mind-set page is because we have got a really fun game to focus on the Mind-set of a challenge. I think this is unique for HMHB, an something I definitely never came across when I was coming through recovery. At HMHB we like to push the boundaries and be as proactive and interactive as possible.

We have created our own murder/mystery puzzle. We have set up the synopsis, created the characters, given all the information, and the reader than has to solve the crime by working out which person did the murder and also how they did it.

(when I say we created it - I have to admit I have based it heavily on an old crime novel of one of my favourite authors, but I will not say which person or book - but I have confessed in the pack that the idea has been used before).

When I came through my depressions I found that so much of the intervention was formulaic, and delivered by people that, in my own opinion, were not exactly passionate about the subject. It felt like they were going through the motions. HMHB was set up to be the opposite, and the feedback demonstrates that our systems works.

Last night I baked my first ever Millionaire's Shortbread for the recipe page. The caramel was maybe not thick enough, so it has remained a little gooey, but that adds to the outcome I feel. Tastes very sweet but delicious.

Finally, our wonderful Rosie took some photos of me at the "office" - White Swan Highbury - for our exercise page, where we are covering mobility.

It's great to get this sorted so early in the week, which allows me to do other paperwork that is essential.

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