Wednesday 28 September 2016

Wednesday 28th September 2016 - SUCCESS!!!!! It's a definite launch

Posted 12:30pm
It has taken over seven years (on and off), hundreds of meetings, thousands of hours, a lot of my own money, and being told on many occasions that it wont happen - but today, finally, it all paid off.

Cracking meeting with SHP - I walked in and they wanted to set a date to start.  What we have organised is that I will attend a team meeting at the start of November - then run a half day course at the start of December - and if all goes well with the taster session I will start a thirteen week course in Camden in January.  We have already breached the subject of contracts - and very happy to talk about money.  Not only that, they have already mentioned doing stuff in Haringey too!!!
Yes, I have quite a lot of work to do in the couple of weeks - because they want me to produce a flyer for the December event, that they can start giving out from the end of October.  I also have to sort out a Camden walk - which they would like to partner up with me on.  I also have to sort out proper videos with Adam in November and get them on Youtube channel before the December day - which is the 6 December.

It's the culmination of so much hard work - and fantastic support I have received, especially from Scott, who has been with my the last two years, guiding me, and steering me.  Thanks mate.
Also, the support and friendship from Rosemary over many years - and inspiration - not only on watching her build up the Charity where she is CEO, but lately her fantastic weight loss and positivity surrounding it - I'll be there too Rosemary.
And also Adam - who has motivated and encouraged me on - and hopefully this is the start of something big for both of us.

Couple of other good things came from the meeting - I can get a £200 grant that SHP will organise - and I intend on getting a decent digital video camera - as we intend to record a lot of stuff for our Youtibe channel and website - and also I want to get a couple of logos and domains.  All in all - a cracking meeting

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