Friday 26 August 2016

Friday 26th August 2016 - social media developments

Image result for cider

Posted 2:40pm.
First off, I must confess - am sitting in Wetherspoons Highbury with a lovely cold glass of Strongbow cider next to me - it's a very hot day, I have just come from the gym, and the thirst was calling.
I rarely drink alcohol.  A nice glass of wine on the odd occasion, but if I am out I tend to drink soft drinks or hot drinks.  But I do like a glass of cider - the fruity ones are particularly delicious - and a treat now and then is fine.

Met up with my internet guru, Kacper, earlier.  I am so grateful to him for his time, and efforts. Unpaid.  And I probably frustrate him a lot with my questions and suggestions.  We looked at several of the social media outlets we intend to use.

We have a channel set up.  We did a test video - mainly so I knew how to put it onto Youtube from my phone - great thanks to Kacper there.  Naturally we will also be putting video from a proper video camera too at one stage.
Videos we intend on making include our own bespoke fitness ones, some nutrition ones, general encouragement ones.  We also want to put feedback ones on there - from all parties: clients, companies, organisations, and ourselves.

We have an account set up for HMHB.  At the moment we have not used it.  We are really waiting for the program to start so we can put pictures from the events.  I am anxious to get the "Izzwalkz" on there too - our own walks in Islington - trying for three areas.  Will put a separate entry on this blog in regards to these.  But pictures from that too.

We have a twitter account too - we have not actually sent a tweet as yet - in fact I have to be honest and say that I have never sent a tweet in my life.  We have started following relevant and appropriate people and organisations - and we are going to build up that database first before deciding when to start tweeting and what the content will be.  Exciting though.

We had a profile - but I wanted that one deleted.  Which we have done.  We will start a new profile with the company name in a week or so.  I really think the content on this will be crucial, because a huge number of people use Facebook, so we need to determine exactly what we want to show on this profile.

This is gradually being built - both Kacper and myself are learning here.  It is not as easy as the adverts make out, but we have the pages we want - we just need to start filling in the content.  I need to supply Kacper with quite a bit of wording, which I will be working on over the next few days.  It would be good to have a test site ready, even if not published live, so when we go to the funders we can show them an outline.

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